Focused on Planetary Wellbeing, the Cologne BRIDGES Thematic Hub addresses the interconnections amongst human health and wellbeing, climate change mitigation and adaptation, biodiversity conservation and ecological regeneration. Bringing the insights and understandings of the environmental humanities to the One Health concept, the Hub approaches wellbeing from a perspective that prioritises multispecies conviviality and ecological flourishing in a shared Planet Earth for present and future generations.
The BRIDGES Thematic Hub for Planetary Wellbeing is anchored in two leading research institutions at the University of Cologne (UoC): the research hub for Multidisciplinary Environmental Studies in the Humanities (MESH) and the Global South Studies Center (GSSC). It is also supported by the Global Responsibility Unit at UoC and the European University for Wellbeing (EUniWell).
Situated within a capacious network of European research partners, but extending its scope and reach to include collaborators from the Global South in order to advance North-South-South eco-humanities interventions, the Hub explores and connects diverse concepts, methodologies and policies connected to Planetary Wellbeing, including intergenerational justice and mental health, art and literature, spirituality and value systems, indigenous and traditional knowledge systems, foresight and futures thinking, as well as discursive and other practices of more-than-human conviviality and collaboration.
In line with the UNESCO-MOST BRIDGES Coalition’s mission of bringing research and practice insights from the arts, humanities, social sciences, indigenous sciences and non-academic expertise into the policymaking arena, the University of Cologne’s Thematic Hub for Planetary Wellbeing...
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December 03, 2024 | 6.00 – 8.00 pm
International House – Kringsweg 6, 50931 Cologne
with Imam Saffet Catovic and others
Registration & Zoom link here.
Last month, from 14-19 October 2024, we successfully organized the „Autumn Academy for Planetary Wellbeing: A Graduate School on Multispecies Conviviality“ at the University of Cologne (UoC)
The Commission created by His Majesty Foyn Gilbert Njong III, King of Mbessa, Patron and Ex Officio Member, is tasked with embedding...
October 17–19, 2024
@University of Cologne
programme & registration online!
October 17 2024
@University of Cologne
As part of the opening at MESH Symposium
October 14–19, 2024
@University of Cologne
October 15, 2024 | 19:00 – 22:00
Curated by Tanya Gautam (doctoral researcher at EcoLit) in collaboration with MESH
October 19, 2024 | 11:00 – 14:00
In the past nine months, the UNESCO-MOST BRIDGES Coalition, including both the Executive Directorate, Cologne Hub, and other Hubs, has been significantly ...
In June 2023 the BRIDGES Coalition began scoping humanities-led sustainability science projects from different regions around the world that address the realities of vulnerable communities and ...
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MESH | Multidisciplinary Environmental Studies in the Humanities
MESH is a research hub addressing the social, cultural and ethical dimensions of global environmental change, together with its associated ecological, climate and health crises. Bringing the historical, philosophical, literary, linguistic and cultural anthropological expertise of the humanities into conversation with the natural and social sciences, MESH fosters research and knowledge exchange across three main areas of enquiry: Decolonial Cultural Ecologies; Multispecies Conviviality; and Disaster Preparedness.
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Global Responsibility: DIA | Division of International Affairs
Global Responsibility combines internationalization with third mission in order to spread and transfer the knowledge generated by the University of Cologne in our local, regional and global networks and contribute to global change.
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Wissenschaftsforum zu Köln and Essen | Engaging Citizens – Engaging Science
The Wissenschaftsforum zu Köln und Essen is Cologne’s central unit for initiatives in the Public Understanding of the Sciences and Humanities (PUSH). It recognizes and promotes the polyphony of academic research and communicates it both internally and externally.
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Sustainability Council University Cologne
The Sustainability Council advises and make recommendations for the development of the University of Cologne’s sustainability strategy and an implementation concept for a sustainable campus.
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IFDG | Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Didactics in the Humanities
The IFDG initiates, promotes and consolidates cooperation between the subject-specific pedagogies of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, which, with almost 14,000 students and currently 165 professors, is one of the largest teacher training faculties in the German university landscape.
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EUniWell | The European University for Well-Being – is one of 64 European University Alliances, selected for funding by the European Commission under the ERASMUS+ programme in 2020. promotes research, education, innovation, and societal engagement, EUniWell is committed to shaping a better future for all.
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